Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Barack Obama scares me...

Barack Obama : : Change We Can Believe In Share this video and invite your friends to join our movement

The "Cult of Obama" is really beginning to scare me. I was over at his website reading some of the user comments about the text of his latest victory speech, and the commenter’s come across more as Britney Spears fans than concerned citizens. Now the man can speak, but speaking isn't necessarily saying anything.

Don't get me wrong, Obama would make a great cult leader, but as a President? We can do better than Obama, yes we can...

(p.s. this video freaks me out)


BF Admin said...

Someone tell the young voters that you're supposed to actually check out a person's record and background before following them blindly into the night....even if they have a cool and meaniness video.

BF Admin said...

I meant "meaningless". Sorry for the typo!

Anonymous said...

We are living in "celebrity times." People are obssessed by celebrities, so now they want to vote for one. Oprah tell us to vote for Obama. We might even get a car. I'm waiting for Obama to claim Paris Hilton, Lohan or Spears as his VP...

I told my son to run for president. He's cute and has charm, a silver tongue which gets him out of trouble every time. After all, now for the biggest job of the nation you don't need anything else.


Anonymous said...

Obama scares the heck out of me. He sponsored a bill on Global Poverty, which has nothing to do with poverty and everything to do with allowing the U.N. to take over our sovereignty, do away with Kyoto Treaty, women's rights, taking away our guns, etc. etc.. He is obviously sponsored by the Elitists; their agenda- and it scares me. He is a wolf in sheep clothing and it has nothing to do with his muslim background or history, but more to do with his willingness to do what ever is necessary to gain power- even more so than Hilary. The people also scare me with their excitment for Obama, all of those sheeple who don't even know what he stands for.

OJ said...

Anonymous said...
We are living in "celebrity times." People are obsessed by celebrities, so now they want to vote for one.

Hillary, her "husband," his intern and their cigar, are much more a celebrity that Sen. Obama is, so you Hil-hacks need to continue to WORK ON YOUR MESSAGE.

Luckily, after tomorrow, there will be plenty of time to do that...

Also, srsly dude! Barack scares me too.

The only thing than scares me more that Big black people are sinewy and hungry looking black people. Black people who appear smarter than me terrify me. I get an uncontrollable urge to make the sign of the cross at Black people who wear reading glasses. Black people whom other white people like and listen to, particularly, give me the chill. I fear and loath Oprah, Condi Rice, and especially Don Cheadle.

Making fun of these people helps me to feel more powerful.

Damn you, Don Cheadle...

Anonymous said...

Barack scares me, too. I just wish people would open their eyes and ears to him instead of getting so excited about this change thing. So far the mudslinging, impossible political promises and negative attitudes have been no different than any other election campaign. If it were really that different, wouldn't it have started out that way? I was really excited about having either the first woman or black man in office. I thought it would be great no matter what. But now I want to wash my hands clean of both of them because of the constant bickering and nitpicking. I want to hear about issues not he said/she said stuff. I can't relate to either candidate. I can only hope another more professional candidate joins the ring, but I doubt it will happen.

Anonymous said...

Obama scares me so much. I hate the blacks. All they ever do is eat chicken and dance and eat watermelon. But we white have a chance. There are 240 million whites and only 35 million blacks. We need to take our country back. But the funny thing is, its not the blacks we need to worry about, b/c they are so scared of whites it's not even funny. You see how they act, trying to talk all smart around us, to make us think that they are smarter than a 5th grader. We need to worry about them ARABS and Mexicans. We should get the blacks on our side to say the racist stuff that we want to say b/c apparently they "cant" be racist. And use them the way we did in the Civil War and make them our pawns again.

TurbineGuy said...


What an idiot you are. Seriously. Talk about trying to pull the race card.

Anonymous said...

I'm embarrassed and angered by the short-sided, false and racist nature of these comments. " their eyes and ears to him instead of getting so excited about this change thing." Where have you been for the last 8 years?
Have you seen the audacious bald-faced lying, cheating, stealing, croney-istic, scandalous Administration we've had? We are in a falsely-generated, hugely-mismanaged and privatized war where our good men and women are dying. What cost is too much for you to realize the ideology of pre-emtive war is ludicrous.
Fear of Obama, is for the unintelligent. If you can't see how change is absolutely crucial to our contry's future, you're not logically weighing the candidates.
The republicans have pushed deregulation. What has that given us? The S&L Crisis, The Mortgage Credit Crisis & the current Wall Street catastrophe, the fallout of which will cost you and me dearly (We had to borrow from the IMF, internationsl loan shark, for the recent bailouts). Afterall, most of us are not rich, right? I sure don't make $5 Million.
Phil Grahm, McCain's finacial advisor (he may give him Tresury Sec.!) was an architect of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 (see his name in the title?), that removed protections put in place after that other big crash, remember that one? the Great Crash of 1929? McCain, along with a republican Congress and Senate swift boated it through, and Clinton signed it into law (veto was not an option, since there was so much support). That opened the door for mortgage-backed securities. Real smart. What if someone can't pay their mortgage. What if alot of people can't pay? We get what the deregulation allowed, a free market that is allowed to find its own "equillibrium"...collapse.
The out-and-out lies of the McCain campaign are to be expected out of a campaign that has nothing intelligent to say, except that we're not like him. He's nothing but a cheerleader without any substantive ideas.
The fact is that McCain has voted 91% with Bush AND has 134 lobbyist in his campaign and wants a hundred years in Iraq (where does that money come from?), and Palin, someone grossly inexperienced who should not be a heartbeat away from our country's nuclear codes, is a fundamentalist bent on removing reproductive rights for women (do any of you have young girls? or know of any?).

"Country First, and by Country I mean Rich People" -- John McCain

Now that something to be afraid about.

We cannot have four more years of McSame. There is no logical, ethical or intelligent reason that I've seen yet.

Anonymous said...

change_not_mcsame has manufactured quotes and bent the truth. If this were craigslist that post would be flagged.

Anonymous said...


Get your facts straight!! You have no clue what you are even talking about. You and many ignorant democrats who believe it is the republicans who messed up, got a huge NEWS FLASH for ya, but it was the democrats in congress who we can blame for our current economic crisis. Democrats Pelosi, Dodd and Barney Frank were the ones pushing banks to give out mortgages to people who couldn't afford to pay back them back because in their eyes the poor deserve a piece of the american pie, although they had no means to pay for it. It was in fact, John McCain was the one pushing for regulation but your buddies including Barney Frank dismissed it by fraudulently claiming Fannie and Freddie were sound. We all know that these were bold faced lies.
IF you don't believe me which you probably won't, do some research.
Before you make a further imbecile out of yourself get yourself educated with real news instead of reading/watching farce news like MSNBC, Huffingtonpost, Dailykos

Anonymous said...

Obama being the new president just gives less motivation to do well.. why would i bust my butt to be successful if im going to give it away to people who clearly do not deserve it. Why dont I be a bum the rest of my life if im just gonna make money for not doing anything thats helping this country.

Anonymous said...

The thing is, to reassure you, I went to a workshop with Gloria Steinem and she was talking about Obama. When asked "what do you say to people who say he doesn't have enough experience or that he is all talk and no background?" She said that she can only say from her personal experience that she thinks he is a wonderful candidate for President. She worked with the Illinois legislature a LOT and she heard his name a lot. She said that it was well known that if you wanted something done you go to Barack. He was the go-to guy. AND, she reminded us that most of the people who distrust him tend to have voted for GWB. She said that Obama has a lot more executive experience than GWB ever did.

Anonymous said...

I think that person posted that tongue in cheek on purpose to discredit the rest of you and the owner of this bog should just delete it.

This is what we are up against because they are going to try to disrupt the tea parties.

BlackOsama said...

Obama is definitely a celebrity in the eyes of the majority of Americans. He plays to this image especially which is discouraging to me. He has more important things to concentrate on (ah hem the economy) than continuing his conquest to be a celebrity.