Thursday, August 21, 2008

If your mortgage is through Indymac, you might want to stop paying your mortgage

FDIC: Loan Modification Program for Distressed Indymac Mortgage Loans

The streamlined loan modifications will be available for most borrowers who have a first mortgage owned or securitized and serviced by IndyMac Federal where the borrower is seriously delinquent or in default. IndyMac Federal also will seek to work with others who are unable to pay their mortgages due to payment resets or changes in the borrowers’ repayment capacities.

If you pay your mortgage on time, you're a fool. The government only helps out those who are irresponsible.

More "No duh"

Boys will be boys, girls will be girls from birth -

As a good postfeminist-era mom, I certainly didn't push my son toward trucks and my daughter toward tutus.

In one study, when 18-month-old boys and girls saw pictures of a doll and a vehicle, most girls chose the doll
If anything, I went out of my way to avoid giving them gender-stereotyped toys, offering glittery finger paint to my son and trains to my daughter. But it didn't matter: My son turned his doll's crib into a race car and my daughter was obsessed with shoes.

Calculators Okay In Math Class, If Students Know The Facts First, Study Finds
The researchers found that the calculator’s effect on subsequent performance depended on how much the students knew to begin with. For those students who already had some multiplication skills, using the calculator before taking the test had no impact. But for those who were not good at multiplying, use of the calculator had a negative impact on their performance.