Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Bush signs ...

President Bush signed the increase the debt, pander to the electorate, wont do any good, send money to China, delaying the inevitable economic stimulus bill today.

Bush signs stimulus package into law - Stocks & economy-

Barack Obama scares me...

Barack Obama : : Change We Can Believe In Share this video and invite your friends to join our movement

The "Cult of Obama" is really beginning to scare me. I was over at his website reading some of the user comments about the text of his latest victory speech, and the commenter’s come across more as Britney Spears fans than concerned citizens. Now the man can speak, but speaking isn't necessarily saying anything.

Don't get me wrong, Obama would make a great cult leader, but as a President? We can do better than Obama, yes we can...

(p.s. this video freaks me out)