Wednesday, February 07, 2007

What influence does blogging have on education policy, if any?

Text Savvy notes the general failure of education research to influence education policy. He comes to this conclusion based on the many responses to this question over at The Spencer Foundation, which he found via Chris Correa.

I have to say I agree with him. I suspect that teaching in classrooms today looks much the same as it did 100 years ago.

His comment though provoked another thought in my head. Though blogging is a relatively new phenomena, it has had an enormous influence on certain aspects of society, especially politics. Major corporations and politicians now routinely hire bloggers and attempt to influence the blogosphere.

My question is: What influence does (or will) education blogging have on education policy, if any?

I have several thoughts on the matter, but I would like to see what the edublogosphere has to say about it first.


Unknown said...

I can only express optimism that blogging (or, more generally, the Internet) will have a significant influence on education in the future.