Friday, July 11, 2008

TFA love... what it would take!

What it would take for me to start having some TFA love?

1. A tilt towards elementary education, or at least an acknowledgement that TFA math and science teachers are just a stop-gap until elementary school education is fixed.

2. An expansion of recruiting into working professionals and retiree's. If TFA's recruiting and training system is so great, wouldn't it work to identify smart motivated middle aged or older professionals looking to make a difference.

3. Drop the whole "pipeline of leaders" meme. We need more soldiers and less generals, more teachers, less administrators.

4. Start your own Education School. One that conducts real research and then uses it to produce superior teachers. Certify your own teachers.

5. Wendy Kopp's phone number. Just kidding Mr. Barth, I am married (and might need a job someday).


Redkudu said...

>> An expansion of recruiting into working professionals and retiree's. If TFA's recruiting and training system is so great, wouldn't it work to identify smart motivated middle aged or older professionals looking to make a difference.<<

Ah, but these people have been around the block a bit, and might ask too many questions. With the young and naive you get hero worship and passion, not close analysis.

Anonymous said...

When I was in NJ they had an alternate route teacher certification process. They gave individuals without any credentials jobs and bonuses. They had to complete a modified teacher prep program within a certain number of years to earn a certificate. The alternate route teachers I worked with were overwhelmed with teaching and struggled for many years. Many left teaching. I am not saying all teacher prep programs are superior but at least their is an effort to prepare students for teaching. So, I agree with some of what you are saying. By the way, I am in RI now and I haven't met ANYONE associated with TFA.