Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Kitchen Table Math II is Da Bomb

Does anyone else feel a bit of guilty for the old Kitchen Table Math going tits up (Can I say that... we use it in the Air Force all the time). The new and improved Kitchen Table Math, the Sequel has become an awesome group blog. The quality of writing is excellent and Catherine has managed to get KDeRosa from D-Edreckoning and Joanne Jacobs to become regular contributors. There are also quite a few other bloggers posting over there that I have never read like Barry and Susan, but am starting to appreciate.

One of problems with the education blogging community is there are so many different blogs to have to keep track of. Having one place to go to get a fix of whats out there is pretty awesome. I wouldn't be surprised if it grows beyond its current form. Perhaps a Huffington Post for education reformers.

My only complaints with it right now are that the fonts are a bit large for my liking and its links, labels, and contributors list all show up at the bottom of the page instead of on a sidebar, making it a bit difficult to navigate.

Note: Edspresso is another great clearinghouse, but I almost consider it more of a web magazine than a blog, even though Ryan usually has a good post or two up daily.