Saturday, August 30, 2008

If you wanted that Sarah Palin biography, you are going to have to wait...

Epicenter Scores with Palin Bio - 8/29/2008 9:41:00 AM - Publishers Weekly

Epicenter went through its 7,000-copy first printing in less than a month, and then reprinted 3,000 more copies. "Those will be gone today," Sturgis said. The press is working with print-on-demand printer Lightning Source to meet the initial demand and hopes to start shipping copies next week; it is also going to print offset copies in September. "Right now I can’t get to all my phone messages," said Sturgis. "I walked in the door this morning and the first call was from Barnes & Noble; they wanted 15,000 copies. I’ve got an e-mail queue here that’s longer than I can see."

Don't worry, I can sum up her story for you.

She entered politics. People underestimated her. She kicked their ass.

Now, head over to Amazon or Barnes and Noble and order a copy to get the rest of the details.