The good things...
Good things my kids teachers are doing this year:
Blogging from the last frontier
Good things my kids teachers are doing this year:
Posted by TurbineGuy at 12:09 AM 0 comments
My 8th grader has spent the last three hours working on a "government accordian book". She has used colored paper, glue on letters, stencils, and drawings so far.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 1:39 AM 4 comments
Ever notice how those who lived through the "Great Depression" talk about it like it's a badge of honor. You always hear about how it built character and taught them the value of savings and thrift.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Why is a financial meltdown such a bad idea?
Posted by TurbineGuy at 12:44 AM 3 comments
Up is down. North is South.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 3:41 AM 0 comments
Let Obama be President. Give us back Palin. Don't talk to me about USC.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 12:30 AM 0 comments
Yeah... USC is more important.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 11:03 PM 0 comments
I can't watch anymore Sarah Palin interviews. It's like McCain turned her into a puppet.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 10:49 PM 0 comments
I'm with K-Lo over at the Corner.
As everyone knows, she's in New York City through tomorrow. I realize she has a busy schedule. I know she has Katie Couric time to carve out. But as John McCain does anything but inspire, how about a total Sarah charm offensive? Drop by and see old friend Larry Kudlow. Give Elisabeth Hasselbeck and the girls a drop-in. Tell Alan Colmes you really missed him last week. Call Rush Limbaugh (you know, the guy who hailed you as a conservative "babe" months ago, finally.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 10:23 AM 3 comments
I have a confession. I come from a family of very liberal Democrats. I swear I don't think a single person in my immediate family has ever voted for a Republican... never ever.
This morning my mom messaged me, saying that she didn't like Palin. My mom doesn't dislike anyone, yet Palin has somehow gotten under her skin. Weird.
Anyways, politics is now an off-limits topic in my family. Hopefully my Mom doesn't read this.
Just in case... I love you Mom.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 12:17 AM 1 comments
McCain wants to limit execs to $400,000
Posted by TurbineGuy at 10:00 PM 4 comments
The New York Times has an inordinate amount of influence on national politics considering they are the local newspaper of the crooks on Wall Street that made money off of the backs of main street.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 3:58 PM 0 comments
I say screw the bailout. Let's just pump money into AIG, since we already own it, and take over the credit industry. So what if the other companies fail, we (the taxpayers) can just buy the assets on the cheap. We would be one of the only players out there with enough capital to loan directly to the citizens.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 1:25 PM 2 comments
All else being equal, if we accept that Palin doesn't have any experience or expertise for federal government, then I think she is the perfect candidate for President.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 3:07 AM 0 comments
Whether you agree with him or not, you have to admit that Charles Murray is funny as hell.
What do you make of the fact that John McCain was ranked 894 in a class of 899 when he graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy? I like to think that the reason he ranked so low is that he was out drinking beer, as opposed to just unable to learn stuff.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 2:46 AM 1 comments
It's ironic that the same people mocking Palin for her inexperience are championing the same experts to get our economy out of the position that they put themselves in.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 11:34 PM 2 comments
Let's be clear. This financial crisis was created because the liberals (and Bush) liked the idea of the poor being able to buy houses, and Wall Street figured out a way to profit of the idiocity of the whole concept until the whole ponzi scheme went bust.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 10:01 PM 2 comments
Every single person working for AIG right now should have his paycheck cut to a reasonable government salary.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 9:15 PM 0 comments
No I didn't burn out... I am on 12 hour shifts for an exercise at work.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 2:05 AM 6 comments
When I first heard about Obama's "pig in lipstick" comment, I thought... no, he ain't that dumb. Then I found out that he followed it up with an "old pig" joke.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 11:11 PM 4 comments
Have you noticed the media smears and non-stories written against Sarah Palin are having a shorter and shorter lifespan.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Sarah Palin
Thanks to Governor Palin, the state of Alaska publishes it's "checkbook" online for public viewing.
I decided to go and compare Sarah Palin's "per diem" payments to those of State Senator Hollis French, the democrat leading the "troopergate" investigation.
According to the detailed report of expenses for the dates 1 July 07 to 30 Jun 08, Governor Palin was paid a total of $5,212.91. In the same time period, Hollis French was paid per diem of $25,009.12.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 12:24 AM 4 comments
Hillary Clinton, who I am a big fan of, deserves kudos for not being driven into "gutter" campaigning. She continues to talk about issues, and refuses to follow the Obama campaign into the mud.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Steve Benen over at the Washington Monthly thinks that Obama's like "They must think the American people are stupid" is a good campaign slogan. I admit that I am not neutral, but I don't think the line works that well, at least for swing voters. I am not sure what would work for him, but I don't think he can turn Palin into a weakness, best for him to pray that she flubs on her own (though I don't think it's likely). Democratic candidates don't do well on attacks unless it is on issues of "corruption". I think a good move would be to take a deep breath for a week or two, then announce some sort of major position in his administration for Hillary Clinton (who was my initial pick). It might be too late, but it's his best shot to shore up his support. If he had picked Hillary as VP, he robbed McCain the impact of Palin and he would of cemented her base of women voters. I think in the end, its these two decisions (Hillary and Palin) that will analyzed over and over. This is the year of women. Sort of ironic that the Republicans stole the thunder.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 4:37 PM 2 comments
I think the "experience" question is going to be the most difficult question to answer during Sarah Palin interviews. Sooner or later the "executive experience" answer will get old.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 10:46 PM 0 comments
Palin's leadership: Opinion
The Anchorage Daily News has an op-ed piece up about Governor Palin.
It's definitely no puff piece, but there are some key points they mention that the media and the left aren't aware of.
Palin is the only major political figure in the past 20 years who regularly comes to Daily News editorial board meetings by herself, with no flunkies or handlers.
Palin dislikes the give-and-take that usually helps smooth the way for political decisions. She states her case and expects legislators to base their actions on the merits of the issue.
One of Gov. Palin's great strengths as a reformer also has a downside. She has a fervent sense of what's right and what's wrong and has little concern for political consequences. This fearless sense of righteousness has generally served her well -- as when she went after Alaska's arrogant and corrupt Republican political establishment.
One big surprise about Palin's term as governor: She has been thoroughly bipartisan. Her most reliable supporters on her big three accomplishments have been Democrats. The partisan side that Palin showed in her acceptance speech Thursday is something Alaskans haven't seen in her time as governor.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 7:47 PM 0 comments
It is so annoying to see all these Republican talking heads do such a crappy job of articulating Governor Palin's true views on issues.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 12:24 PM 1 comments
I was watching a Charlie Rose interview with Governors Palin and Napolitano, and get this... Governor Napolitano is the one that brings up the significance of being a Commander of the National Guard. She says "It's a big responsibility."
Posted by TurbineGuy at 3:28 AM 0 comments
They are desperate... all sorts of rumors flying about affairs, racial comments, etc...
Posted by TurbineGuy at 12:44 AM 0 comments
Sarah Palin meets and greets returning troops at the airport, at Elmendorf AFB, and at Fort Richardson whenever they arrive. She has shown up at 2am just to say "welcome home". This isn't a publicity stunt. She does it because she cares.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 2:41 AM 0 comments
I have read about a lot of accusations about Alaska being a welfare state, and how it takes a lot of federal funds.Publish Post
Posted by TurbineGuy at 2:26 AM 0 comments
The difference in funding, however, is because the Alaska Challenge Youth Academy moved to a budget line item of its own. In the fiscal 2009 budget, you can see that the academy alone has a budget of $6,082,100. When you add that to the $3,156,000 that is being spent on all the other projects, it adds up to $9,238,100--an approximately 12 percent INCREASE in spending on all those particular programs, put together, since fiscal 2007.
When asked during a televised debate in 2006 about evolution and creationism, Palin said, according to the Anchorage Daily News: "Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information. Healthy debate is so important, and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both."
Alaska has one of the nation’s most unusual performance-incentive programs, which rewards school employees with payments for gains in student achievement. The state-run program is distinct in that it includes many different kinds of employees, from administrators and teachers to custodians and secretaries, offering them payments for increased student performance at their school.
Members of education organizations in Alaska generally spoke favorably about Ms. Palin’s record on school issues since she took office in January of 2007. The governor has become a popular figure among the 13,000 members of the Alaska National Education Association, said Barbara Angaiak, president of the state affiliate of the National Education Association.
The union official credited Ms. Palin for having backed a legislative proposal, which became law this year, that overhauled the state’s school funding system. That plan brought more money to the state’s many rural and remote school districts and raised spending for students with special needs. ("Alaska Legislators Overhaul Funding," April 30, 2008.)
Posted by TurbineGuy at 1:58 AM 0 comments
I own the website (nothing but a holding page right now). I thought about selling it and donating the money to the McCain campaign, but I am afraid whoever bought it would use it for nefarious means.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 11:37 PM 2 comments
Alaska calls them snowmachines. The rest of the U.S., uses the word snowmobile.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 11:35 PM 8 comments
Do you think the secret service is having nightmares about trying to guard Sarah Palin while she is hunting in the middle of an Alaskan winter?
Posted by TurbineGuy at 11:11 PM 0 comments
The election has come down to two lawyers versus a hockey mom and a veteran.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 10:39 PM 0 comments
A certain someone who got in a certain situation, was hardly mentioned in the media today. I guess having that person's significant other on state with her wasn't such a bad idea after all.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 10:33 PM 1 comments
As the Weekly Standard pointed out, there is an evil smear going about, which I was able to get retracted at Washington Monthly.
The Weekly Standard pointed to this article over at edweek by Sean Cavanagh which also disproved the notion.
But I have even more information. The original smear is based on funding documents for "Special Schools". What they failed to note, besides for the movement of the Alaska Challenge Academy funding to a separate category, is that Alaska special education funding is also covered under the Department of Education and Early Development Student and School Achievement.Gov. Sarah Palin and state lawmakers have gone ahead with an overhaul of Alaska’s school funding system that supporters predict will provide much-needed financial help to rural schools and those serving students with disabilities.
The plan, enacted in the recently concluded session of the legislature, is based on recommendations issued by a legislative task force last year. It will phase in a greater flow of money to districts outside of Anchorage, Alaska’s largest city, over the next five years.Advocates for rural and remote schools have lobbied for years for more funding, in particular noting the higher fuel, transportation, and other costs associated with providing education in communities scattered across the vast state.
A second part of the measure raises spending for students with special needs to $73,840 in fiscal 2011, from the current $26,900 per student in fiscal 2008, according to the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Palin: "To the families of special-needs children all across this country, I have a message: For years, you sought to make America a more welcoming place for your sons and daughters. I pledge to you that if we are elected, you will have a friend and advocate in the White House."
Sarah Palin might have changed her mind on this one recently. However, a comment here notes that Palin actually slashed funding for schools for special needs kids by 62%. Budgets: FY 2007 (pre-Palin), 2008, 2009 (all pdfs).
A commenter (Jim Syar) accused Sarah Palin of reducing the special education budget by 62%. That is false. The special education budget actually increased by nearly 12%, as explained below.Burn. I posted in the comments. Check back to find out if a retraction is printed.
As Syar correctly notes, the Alaska 2007 budget for special education was $8,265,300. But that included $5,352,000 for the Alaska Challenge Youth Academy.
In the 2009 budgetary document to which Syar links, astute observers will note that there is no mention of the Alaska Challenge Youth Academy. Instead, you have to look elsewhere. And guess what: There is now a specific document providing $6,082,100 for the Alaska Challenge Youth Academy. So combined with the $3,156,000 that Syar notes, the total is $9,238,100. A nearly 12% INCREASE, not a 62% decrease.
Posted by: SB September 3, 2008 3:38 PM
Posted by TurbineGuy at 3:13 AM 2 comments
Screw politics...
Posted by TurbineGuy at 2:41 AM 5 comments
The Obama campaign will try and divert focus away from Palin, and try and redirect it back to McCain. He has a better chance against him.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 12:44 AM 0 comments
Much is being made of McCain's vetting process. Let's be real folks. He went with his gut instinct, which is what the President must do in a crisis. Weigh the options and make a decision. Well I am here to tell you that the decision that the media has been decrying all weekend is starting too look like a brilliant choice.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 12:34 AM 0 comments
Quotes from the comments over at Washington Monthly.
After tonight, I was so worried that I coughed up another $100 to the Obama campaign. And $10 to ActBlue.
This will test the Obama campaign.
Posted by: John O on September 4, 2008 at 12:02 AM | PERMALINKI agree with the poster who said this will launch a comeback for McCain. This speech is going to be very well reviewed, and not just on wingnut sites. The MSM is going to cream big time, and tomorrow we'll see many, many Sarah puff pieces. At minimum, tonight will end all the distracting silliness about Palin leaving the ticket. She was everything they needed her to be.
On the positive side, Barack in his speech laid down a kind of gauntlet for the Republicans when he challenged them to run a positive campaign on the issues. Now that they've done exactly the opposite, no one can blame him for responding in kind. I only hope he's capable of actually doing so.
Posted by: mib8 on September 3, 2008 at 11:54 PM | PERMALINKThe chances of her leaving the ticket just dropped to approximately zero.
Yes that's true. I was wrong. She is in.
But thats the best news imaginable.
She is all about base.
But base isn't enough to win this time around.
She is an alienator and a divider.
That's the wrong tack to take in 2008.
This chick is good. But not good enough. Obama, just like in the Primary, will find another gear. Voter turn out. Voter turn out. Please don't let them steal yet another one. Please.
Posted by: getready on September 3, 2008 at 11:36 PM | PERMALINKShe is all about base. But base isn't enough to win this time around. She is an alienator and a divider. That's the wrong tack to take in 2008.
It worked before, it can work again.
Sorry, kids, Governor Palin is delivering. The RNC and the fascist machine are going to go "all in on Palin". How many low-information voters can the DNC reach before November?
What will be interesting to observe is how the trad media reacts. Brooks, Coulter, Limbaugh, Boortz, Hannity, O'Reilly, Krauthammer, Broder, Will, et al, aren't going on vacation for the next 9 weeks. How tightly they embrace this ticket, and how the rest of the crew (National Enquirer included) goes about the business of journalism is going play as big a role as in 2000, 2004.
Complacency for the Democrats puts McCain and Palin in the West Wing.
Posted by: GuyFromOhio on September 3, 2008 at 11:12 PM | PERMALINKYou're all wrong. This speech, despite its bullshit, is going to launch a huge McCain comeback.
Red meat for the droolers. Pitch perfect, and Biden will get hassled if he's too mean to her.
Did I mention that McCain was a POW?
I, for one, am worried. Most of the electorate doesn't give a flying shit about reality, nor do they view politics as having any impact on their lives. Think, "sporting event," or, if I may, "beauty contest."
You'll see. McCain will keep her away from the press (that groundwork is already laid) and it will be another nail-biter, despite any objective evidence for what it should be.
Posted by: john O on September 3, 2008 at 11:09 PM | PERMALINKPosted by TurbineGuy at 12:12 AM 0 comments
America sees what the Alaska already knew. Whether you support her politics or not, she is good.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 11:47 PM 4 comments
Obama and McCain should refuse to talk to any reporter representing a news organization that has anything currently published about Governor Palin's daughter.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 1:58 AM 1 comments
Sarah Palin
I would never, ever, ever survive a media vetting even 1/10th as intense as Governor Palin.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 1:53 AM 0 comments
Is There a Particular *Reason* that Community Organizer Barack Obama and his Surrogates Refuse to Acknowledge that Sarah Palin is the Governor of Alaska?
NOTE: Original post deleted because Independent George pointed out I was out of line, which I was. I apologize.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 10:04 PM 2 comments
This post is a preemptive "I told you" so for me to link to in the future, after the following events take place.
1. Sarah Palin's speech at the RNC kicks ass.
2. Sarah Palin performs awesome at her first interview/press conference.
Oh, and to really enjoy it, I am including this video for all my doubting thomas readers.
Oh, it's going to be so enjoyable. Feel free to use it as well.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 9:09 PM 0 comments
Folks, it looks like the smear machine is running out of oil. Fortunately the left wing outsmarted themselves. They piled up so much shit in such a short period of time, they forgot to realize that it all gets ignored for the big scandal of the daughters pregnancy. In the long term, the only thing that the public is going to remember is that a poor 17 year old was put through the ringers because of the left wings invasion of privacy.
Prediction: The heat will intensify out of desperation on Thursday after Governor Palin's highly successful speech.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 8:52 PM 0 comments
You know it's true. Obama lies in bed at night thinking about Palin. In the last few days, the only argument that the Obama campaign can make against McCain is that he picked Sarah Palin.
I say, yes, yes he did choose her. She isn't going away. He should be scared.
It's pretty sad when a Presidential candidate finds himself running against a VP candidate, and still loosing.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 10:26 AM 1 comments
Let's be absolutely honest here. McCain gambled. I am not denying it. I understand the left wing attacks on her. They recognize that she is charming, and has the potential to destroy Obama/Biden in the election, but here is the irony in their concentrated attacks.
McCain can not cut her loose period. If McCain cut her loose, nothing short of capturing Obama on video having crumpets with Osama Bin Laden would be enough to win the election. That is a fact.
All the attacks and dirt dug up in the next week (I doubt it will take longer than that, and I suspect most of the major dirt has already been found), and unless they come up with a true smoking gun, it will all fade into memory within two to three weeks.
At that point, the McCain/Palin ticket will simply rest on how well she handles the media.
Now I am going to wait right here, but go over to youtube and watch every Palin video you can find. Go... now... I'll be here when you get back.
Ok, your finished finally.
Now honestly, what were your opinions.
Exactly. "Wow" is exactly what I thought. She is frickin good.
The media will start every interview with the full intention of ripping her to shreds, but once she flashes that smile and lets out that self depreciating laugh a few times, the reporters or more importantly the audience will be putty in her hands.
The haters will always be haters, but we don't need their votes. We need the votes of those middle class working Americans who will realize that Palin is just like them.
Sorry, got off track there. Bottom Line: concentrated attacks help us since they will blow over sooner. McCain won't get rid of her, so no use trying.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 2:36 AM 1 comments
Kevin Drum - Mother Jones Blog: Where is Sarah?
WHERE IS SARAH?....Has Sarah Palin granted an interview yet to the national press? Just curious. I haven't seen one yet. They're going to have to let her face the media mob eventually, aren't they?
UPDATE: Here she is in People magazine. It's the obvious choice, and I imagine that Fox News and GMA and Parade are on deck too. The national political press corps that might actually press her on serious issues, though? Wait and see.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 2:22 AM 1 comments
The hits and dirt coming flying faster than the right can reply, dilute, rebutt, or explain; but it occurred to me, what's the point. I don't think it matters, because the majority of voters aren't blog reading political junkies, and are going to end up loving Governor Palin, and here is why:
1. Pregnancy - The only thing voters are going to take home from this pass weekend is that her daughter is pregnant and she was forced to talk about it because of horrible Internet rumors. Palin 1 - Left 0.
2. Flip flops on the bridge to nowhere. The general public doesn't care. Every single politician they have ever heard about has been accused of flip flopping. Once the words bridge and Alaska are mentioned, the rest is going to sound like "blah, blah, blah..."
3. Troopergate: any 60 minutes investigation is going to end up with this simple conclusion. The trooper in question did for a fact at least do the following: taser an 11 year old, threaten to kill Governor Palins parents, drink on duty in his patrol car, and all he got was 5 days suspension.
4. Charm. The simple fact is that she is very very charming and articulate. As soon as the first interviews are shown on network TV, the public will come away with the impression that she has her shit together.
5. America will identify with her. She has more in common with the average American than any national politician in decades.
So bring on the dirt, the rumors, the accusations; All publicity is good publicity, at least in Governor Palin's case.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 12:36 AM 2 comments
Sarah Palin Facts · Little Known Facts About the Alaska Governor:
- Sarah Palin isn’t allowed to wield the gavel at the convention because they’re afraid she’ll use it to kill liberals.
- Sarah Palin can divide by zero
Sorry, but it's funny, and I don't think it will do major harm to her reputation. Palin certainly has replaced Obama as the most interesting politician. She makes Obama look like Joe Biden.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 12:31 AM 0 comments
Howard Kurtz - A Blogger, a Baby, a Cry of Concern -
"It is hardly unusual for a teenage girl to become pregnant, and unless she is Jamie Lynn Spears, who sold her baby pictures to OK! magazine, the news value is minimal. But some media commentators say Palin is fair game, not just because she is running for national office but because she is a self-described 'hockey mom' who told the nation that her eldest son is headed to Iraq.
'Once she's brought her children in as selling points, unfortunately the bad comes in with the good,' says Lisa Bloom, a Court TV anchor. 'She's integrating her mom quality as a key part of her résumé. We didn't do that in the press; she did that.'"
Posted by TurbineGuy at 12:01 AM 1 comments
Quick, before it's scrubbed - Democratic Underground
Screen shot before its taken down...
I sent a myspace message to the girl warning her... hopefully she makes her myspace profile private.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 3:52 PM 3 comments
Every time I go online, I come across another drive by on Governor Palin, in what is turning out to be the largest organized smear job in political history.
Going to go watch TV.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 1:14 PM 0 comments
Today the Obama campaign demanded that Sarah Palin offer concrete proof that her children are really hers.
Not content with photo's showing Sarah Palin pregnant 5 days before giving birth to her youngest son Trig Palin, they are demanding that she produce birthing videos, and DNA analysis for each and every child.
An Obama spokesman was quoted as saying "She is much too hot to have given birth five times, besides everyone knows it is way to cold in Alaska to conceive children. We have reason to believe that her kids are the prodigy of Hitler and Stalin."
Meanwhile, Obama tauts his executive experience as a community organizer in Chicago.
"I remember the struggles with getting the residents to march in a straight line during a protest march, but by chanting "Yes, we can" over and over, they overcame, and by god, they marched in a straight line."
Posted by TurbineGuy at 2:25 AM 5 comments
I feel dirty even having to post this, because the disgusting rumors about Governor Palin and her son Trig are the lowest of slimeball politics I have seen, at least since the evil rumors about Senator McCains daughter brought by the Bush campaign 8 years ago.
All I have to say is that the liberal blogosphere is going to come out of this with a lot of mud on their face. It's to bad, because I use to respect bloggers like Kevin Drum, Mathew Yglesias, and Andrew Sullivan.
Posted by TurbineGuy at 1:05 AM 2 comments
God help me, I can't stop watching (train wreck, maybe).
She's likable. Cute. Perky. Might play well with some mom's in the midwest. She has that upper midwest twang (which I have to say is getting to me. I didn't realize Francis McDermond from Fargo was on the ticket). Too bad she's as full of shit. But this is their convention so it's to be expected.
Posted by: MsJoanne on September 3, 2008 at 10:56 PM | PERMALINK